Business Name
Main Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Main Contact Email
Main Contact Phone
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Physical Address (If Different)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Instagram or Other Social Media
You are a(n)
List all persons who will represent your business at the market and their contact information. (If this changes throughout the season, please update the Executive Director)
How frequently would you like to attend the market?
Seasonal - Please explain
Other - Please explain
If you selected "Seasonal" or "Other" in the above question, please explain.
Please list other farmers markets or venues where you sell your products.
Business License Expiration Date
Other Required Licenses & Insurance
All vendors are responsible for knowing and acquiring all necessary licenses. Please indicate which licenses you are required to have. Check all that apply. Please email copies to *Your documents must be received in order for you to be considered.*
Department of Agriculture
Department of Health
Candlers License
Liability Insurance naming Brookhaven Farmers Market as additional insured (applied to all)
Electricity - There are a limited number of booth locations with access to electricity. If a spot is available would you be interested in having access to electricity?
Selecting yes does not guarantee a booth location with electricity.
Number of properties you are raising animals on. Please include the location and address of each property.
Total acres in production.
Total acres used for pasture/ range.
Do you own, lease, or manage the land?
How long have you been farming?
List the breeds of all animals raised on your farm.
What types of certifications or licenses do you hold for your farm? (Check all that apply)
USDA Certified Organic
Certified Naturally Grown
Egg Candling License
Animal Feed License
American Grassfed
Certified Humane Raised and Handled
Animal Welfare Approved
Dairy Manufacturer's License
None of the Above
If livestock are purchased, where are you purchasing your animals from?
Do you purchase feed for your animals or use farm - grown feed?
Purchase Feed
Farm Grown Feed
Utilize A Mix Of Both
What types of practices and techniques do you utilize on your farm? (Check all that apply)
Pasture grazing
Rotational grazing
Access to indoors and outdoors
Unrestricted access to fresh water
Herd health plan
Nutritional guidelines
Individual animal health records
Ventilated structures
Do you use hormones and/ or antibiotics with livestock? If yes, for what purposes and how often.
What is your processing cycle?
Where are your animals processed?
Do you plan to sell any value added items made from meat products at the farmers market? If so, please list the types of value added products you plan to sell. (Example: rawhides made from animal by product)
All products that you would like to sell during the season
Please indicate you are aware of the following: $50 non-refundable application fee, weekly fees are due at the Market, payable via cash or check and will be collected by the Market Manager. Vendors are required to maintain liability insurance, provide proof of insurance, copies of certificates or licenses. Vendors will be required to provide their own 10x10 tent, table, and tent weights.
Is there anything else about your farm that you would like market management to know?